Saturday, August 16, 2008


Spoke to one of my sisters and, although ADD can be hereditary or the result of a knock on the head (which, by the way, I have had a couple), we are both pretty convinced ours is hereditary. She has always seen the symptoms in herself, so now I have someone with whom to talk and to laugh about our ADD related predicaments and past. Well, she talked to someone who took Ritalin with some annoying side effects. When he got tired of the symptoms and stopped being able to afford the medicine, he looked for a cheaper and natural remedy. He began taking Focus Addult (double d is intentional) and says it doesn't work as well as the Ritalin, but it's cheaper and he has not noticed any side effects. It's liquid form and you have to do a lot of drops in a day, so it might get to be too much trouble. We always want a magic pill. Speaking of which, have I mentioned how prescription drugs should not be advertised on TV? The US is one of only about two or three countries who allow it. OK, that's another rant.

So, my sister went online and bought this stuff. She's going to be a guinea pig for us. If I try it, I can use this blog to track my progress, or lack thereof. That's good, because I started to think keeping an online blog was slightly narcissistic. Now, I have an excuse to send my thoughts out into cyberspace. I can use the excuse that I can view it and add to "my journal" from anywhere, although I probably won't. Mostly I like this because it is not on my personal computer for prying eyes, because, yes, I still feel like writing about myself and my experiences is self indulgent. Oh, and I prefer typing to writing, since my handwriting is pretty bad for a woman, not to mention all the edits I need to make. I love friends' travel journals and nature blogs, but just writing about something so internal doesn't seem right.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Recipes ugh!

OK. I think I'm smart. I have a Bachelor's degree from a nationally acclaimed state university (besides academically, here's a hint as to where: football AND basketball, sometimes simultaneously). So why is it I can't follow a recipe without a major panic attack? Well, that's an exaggeration. The panic attack is minor, but the need to look back at a simple recipe 100 times is a little bothersome, even one I've made a dozen times. So, I've never been a good cook, as I don't have an instinct for it either. I used to think I was good at details, but evidently I was fooling myself. I really just overcompensated for my deficiencey by forcing myself to concentrate very hard on something. I am good with big abstract ideas. Small details tend to overwhelm me, necessitating me to be very organized, although I'm not. It's a conundrum.

I really have no intention of using the newly recognized ADD as an excuse for all of my errant ways, just some of them ;) Cooking, yes.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I talk too much

I do. Something I always sort of knew, but only recently came to the realization that it's really true. I thought blogging would get some of the words out of my head so that I don't have to blurt them out on a regular basis. I annoy my two adult sisters. I'm sure I annoy others, but they more politely don't mention it. There is probably some H in that ADD, but I'm not ready to admit that. I only recently admitted this. So, here it is. Talking on paper, or rather online, to prevent a mental explosion. Let's see how this works.